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What Is Web Designing?

So, you're captivated by the world of websites and want to learn how they're built? A web designing course is your perfect launchpad! But what exactly will you be diving into? Here's a sneak peek at the exciting world that awaits you:

Building Blocks: The Language of Web Design

A web designing course starts with the fundamentals – the building blocks that bring websites to life. You'll master HTML, the code that structures a webpage's content, and CSS, the language that styles its visual appearance. Imagine creating layouts, choosing fonts, and adding colors – that's the power of CSS!

Going Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques

Once you've grasped the core, the course expands your horizons. You'll delve into advanced web designing techniques like JavaScript, a programming language that adds interactivity to websites. Think buttons that pop up menus or images that change on hover – that's JavaScript in action!

User Experience: Designing for People

A great website isn't just visually appealing; it's easy and enjoyable to use. Web designing courses emphasize user experience (UX) design principles. You'll learn how to create intuitive navigation, ensure clear information flow, and make websites accessible to everyone.

Responsive Design: Making Websites Mobile-Friendly

In today's mobile-first world, websites need to adapt to different screen sizes. A web designing course equips you with responsive design skills. You'll master techniques to ensure websites look fantastic and function flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Industry Insights: Putting Theory into Practice

Web designing courses go beyond theory. You'll get hands-on experience by working on real-world projects. This not only solidifies your learning but also helps you build a portfolio to showcase your skills to potential employers.

Career Opportunities: A World of Possibilities

With a web designing course under your belt, you'll unlock a world of exciting career options. From freelance web designer to web design agency professional, the possibilities are endless. You'll be equipped to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of the web.

So, are you ready to unleash your inner web design wizard? A web designing course is your key to transforming ideas into stunning, user-friendly websites!

What Is The Role Of A Web Designer?

We design entitled the goal of the website or web pages and accessibility for the potential users. It is a process which involves the organizing content, images across the pages, and other interactive elements on the website. A web design professional performs the various and includes in their job profile which has been discussed below:

  • Selection fonts which are easy to read.
  • Choosing attractive colour schemes to attract users to their website.
  • Implementing the brand identity into fonts, colours, and layouts.
  • Creating a proper map for the website and it has intuitive navigation.
  • Putting images, videos, text, logos, applications, and many other elements.
  • Using various coding languages like HTML and CSS to create a layout and style of the page.
  • Making the optimized version of the website and pages for desktop and mobile versions.

Course Curriculum

Get the best Web Designing Course with 100% placement assistance at Remote Learnings. We have expert trainers and exposure to live projects.

Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles How the Website Works? Client and Server Scripting Languages Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites) Responsive design and layout

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Color mode & resolution Types of Graphics Export image Animated Image Blending Options Layer Styles View Menu / Window Menu Realtime Website Layout Design

Basic Structure of HTML HTML Elements Working with Forms

Block Oriented Elements List Attributes of List Uniform Resource Locators Hypertext Links Images Creating Style Classes Introduction to style Sheets Changing the Background Creating Style Classes

HTML5 Syntax HTML5 Syntax New Input attributes Audio and Video New Structural Elements





Mark Jukarberg

UX Design Lead

(4.8 Ratings)

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12 Ratings
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Course includes:
  • img Level Expert
  • img Duration 11h 20m
  • img Lessons 8
  • img Certifications Yes
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