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What is Digital Marketing Course

Ever scroll through social media and wonder how those cool ads got there? Or maybe you're curious about how websites appear at the top of search results? That's the magic of digital marketing, and a digital marketing course training can teach you how to cast those spells yourself!

Think of it like this: imagine you're running a lemonade stand in a crowded park. A digital marketing training equips you with:

  • A megaphone to call out to potential customers (think social media marketing!)
  • Eye-catching signs to grab attention (learn about web design and content creation!)
  • Social media skills to spread the word online (master the art of engaging posts!)

This training goes beyond lemonade stands though. You'll learn how to use the power of the internet to promote any product or service. From creating engaging social media posts to making websites shine on search engines, a digital marketing course covers a wide range of tools, including:

  • Social Media Marketing: Learn how to leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with your audience and build brand awareness.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Discover the secrets of making websites rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic.
  • Content Marketing: Craft compelling content (like blog posts, videos, and infographics) that engages your audience and positions you as an expert.
  • Email Marketing: Build relationships with customers through targeted email campaigns that nurture leads and drive sales.

Here's the coolest part: digital marketing training isn't just about fancy tricks. It teaches you how to:

  • Understand your audience: Learn who your ideal customer is and what makes them tick.
  • Build relationships online: Foster connections with your audience and turn them into loyal fans.
  • Drive results: Track your marketing efforts and measure success to continuously improve your campaigns.

So, why should you dive into this exciting field? The digital world is booming, and businesses everywhere are looking for skilled digital marketers. With a digital marketing course, you'll gain the knowledge and tools to stand out in this ever-growing field and become a valuable asset in today's job market.

Ready to unleash your inner marketing whiz? Explore the world of digital marketing course training and watch your career blossom in the exciting world of online marketing!

Course Curriculum

Join Best Institute for Online Digital Marketing Training Course , Remote Learnings offers the Best Digital Marketing Training classes with live project by the expert trainer

What is marketing and digital marketing? l Understanding Marketing and Digital Marketing Process?

  • Understanding about Internet , websites
  • Planning of a website Statics, Dynamics (Informative & Ecommerce) HTML Basic
  • About CMS and creating website in Wordpress
  • Domain Booking
  • Server & Hosting
  • One Live Project

  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines and their functions ?
  • Understanding traffic , keywords etc .
  • On page optimization
    •  Site Analysis
    • Keyword Research With Google
    • Keyword Planner Keyword Planning
    • Domain
    • URL Structure
    • Title Tag
    • Meta Tag
    • Google Analytics (Code Generation)
    • Canonical Tag
    • H1 Tag
    • Image Optimization (Alt Tag)
    • Anchor Tag
    • Content Optimization
    • Sitemap Creation & Submission (html and xml)
    • Robots.txt
    • Custom 404
    • 301 Redirect
    • .htacces
  • Off page optimization
    • What is Off page SEO?
    • Why Off page is Important
    • What are Backlinks?
    • Backlinks Creation Methods
    • Difference Between
    • Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks
    • What is Google Page Rank
    • How to Increase Google Page Rank
    • Web Directory Submissions
    • Social Bookmarking
    • Article Writing & Submission
    • Press Release Writing & Submission
    • Comment Blogging
    • Classifieds Posting
    • Forum Posting
    • Link Exchange (One way, two way and three way)
    • Search Engine Submissions
    • RSS Feeds
  • Google Web Master Tool (Search Console )
  • Bing Web Master Tool
  • SEO Interview Questions
  • Others SEO Tools


Local SEO Google My Business (MAP)

  • Understanding in organic search results
  •  Introduction to Google ads & PPC advertising 
  • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo)
  •  Setting up Google ads account
  •  Understanding ads account structure
  •  Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc.
  • Types of Advertising campaigns-Search, Display, Video
  • Difference between search & display campaign
  • How does ads rank ads
  • Understanding ads algorithm (adrank) in detail with examples
  • What is quality score
  • Why quality score is important What is CTR?
  • Why CTR is important Understanding bids
  •  Advanced level bid strategies
  • Enhanced CPC l What are flexible bidding strategies
  • Understanding ad-extensions
  • Types of ad-extensions
  • Adding ad-extensions in our Campaign
  • Creating adgroups
  • Finding relevant adgroups options using tool
  • Creating adgroups using tool
  • Understanding keywords
  • Finding relevant keywords
  • Adding keywords in ad-group using keyword planner tool
  • Understanding types of keywords Board, Phrase, Exact, Synonym & Negative
  • Examples of types of keywords
  • Creating ads
  • Understanding ad metrics Display & destination URL
  • How to write a compelling ad copy
  • Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
  •  Tracking Performance/Conversion
  •  What is conversion tracking Why is it important
  •  How to set up conversion tracking
  •  Adding tracking code in your website
  • Checking conversion stats
  • Optimizing Search Campaigns
  • Remarketing

  • Ads Fundamental
  • Search Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising

  • What is social media
  • Understanding the existing social media paradigms & psychology
  •  How social media marketing is different than others

  • Understanding Facebook marketing practical session
  • Creating Facebook Page
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples)
  • Fan engagement
  • Important apps to do fan page merketing
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Types of Facebook advertising
  • Best practices for Facebook advertising
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign
  • Targeting in ad campaign
  • Payment module-CPC vs CPM-CPA
  • Setting up conversion tracking
  • Using power editor tool for adv
  • Facebook Creator Studio
  • Facebook Ad Breaks
  • Facebook Instant Article

  • What is Linkedin
  • Understanding Linkedin
  • Company profile vs Individual Profiles (Difference between Individual and Company Profiles)
  •  Understanding Linkedin Groups (Manage Linkedin groups)
  •  How to do marketing on Linkedin groups
  •  Linkedin Advertising & it best Practices
  •  Increase ROI from Linkedin ads
  •  Linkedin Publishing
  •  Company Pages

  • Understanding twitter
  • Tools to listen & measure influence on Twiiter: Tweetdeck, Klout, PeerIndex
  •  How to do marketing on Twitter
  • Black hat techniques of Twitter Marketing
  • Advertising on Twitter
  • Creating Campaigns
  • Types of Ads
  • Tools of twitter Marketing

  • Understanding Video Campaigns
  • Creating 1st Video campaign
  • Importance of Video marketing
  • Benefits of Video marketing
  •  Using you tube for Business
  • Developing you tube video for Marketing strategy
  • Get traffic through you tube channel/video to your website
  • Create video adgroup
  • YouTube Monetization
  • How to Increase Youtube (Views, Subscriber Etc.)

  • Introduction to Google analytics
  • How Google analytics works
  • Understanding Google analytics account structure
  • Understanding Gooogle analytics insights
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • Hot to add analytics code in website
  • Understanding goals and conversion how to setup goals? Understanding different types of goals
  • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
  • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate how to reduce bounce rate
  • How to setup goals
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics
  • Understanding filters & segments
  • How to set up filters & segments
  • How to view customized reports
  • Monitoring traffic sources
  • Monitoring traffic behavior
  • Taking corrective actions if required

  • Understanding Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Marketing and Social Media
  • Mobile Marketing Measurement and Analytics
  • Fundamentals of Mobile marketing
  • Email Marketing
    • Database Collection of Email Id’s
    •  Service provider (Mailchimp, Sendgrid) 
    • Mail Templates
  • App Store optimization (ASO)
  • Addmob
  • SMS marketing
  • Whatsapp Marketing
  • Case studies on Ecommerce website
  • Opencart

  • What is online reputation management
  • Why online reputation management
  • Understanding ORM scenario
  • How to deal with criticism online
  • Ways to create positive brand image online
  • Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
  • Step by step guide to overcome negative online reputation
  • Best examples of online reputation management

What is Adsense

How to get approved for Adsense

Cool trick to get Adsense approval by Google

Using your adsense account interface Placing ads on your blog Creating blogs with our Free theme

What is Blogging

How to Blog

What is Wordpress and How to Create with Wordpress

Wordpress Themes and Plugins

  • What is Affiliates
  • How to join and Earn with Affiliates
  • Top Indian and Worldwide Bloggers
  • How ot Earn Money with Blogging

  • What is Ecommerce
  • Top Ecommerce Website around the world
  • Ecommerce scenario in India
  • How to do SEO of an Ecommerce website
  • Why you need a solid Ecommerce marketing strategy
  • Formulating right Ecommerce marketing strategy
  • Ecommerce business

Mark Jukarberg

UX Design Lead

(4.8 Ratings)

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Course includes:
  • img Level Expert
  • img Duration 11h 20m
  • img Certifications Yes
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